"Yes! That's what she gets. I'm so glad something bad finally happened to her!" Is this you after you hear about an enemy of yours suffering some trouble or a setback? If so, you know you are dead wrong. You're not alone though. This person right here used to be me. I couldn't wait for something bad to happen to someone who had been rude to me or done me wrong for so long. I would just patiently wait for them to finally get their due; PAYBACK! But I have learned that rejoicing in someone else's downfalls is nothing but that evil spirit just sneaking up on me once again.
On day 10 of the challenge, we are reminded that LOVE DOESN'T DELIGHT IN EVIL. Love is not happy when we rejoice in the downfalls of our enemies. I know payback feels good sometimes, especially when we didn't have to orchestrate it, but true love does not take delight in the pain of another person. I know this is not an easy task, but really try not to delight in the downfalls of our enemies, instead, leave room for something good to happen, even for them! Besides, someone is always watching, and you don't need Karma knocking on your door! Don't let that evil spirit sneak up on you. Keep your heart clean with me today, and remember that love doesn't delight in evil. Check in tomorrow for day 11 of the Love Challenge!
I know day nine is almost over, but you have to excuse me for such a late post. Tonight I was busy honoring and celebrating individuals who have advocated to change the lives of people with disabilities or special needs, military personnel, veterans and their families with Rosalynn Carter, John Travolta, and Kelly Preston at the Easter Seals Advocacy Awards Dinner in downtown Washington, DC. Daddy was home with the boys so I could do my working-momma thing! With that being said, before the day ends, I just want you to remember that love keeps no record or wrongs. If that were the case, God would have cut us off a LONG time ago! If you're anything like me, you have to keep a list of every little thing. Keeping a tally of everything can be a good quality, but when it comes to the wrongs, stop counting and holding onto those hurts; they're only adding to the pain. Sometimes, if you want to move forward in life, you have to let things go. Stop keeping a count of those wrongdoings and just keep it moving! God knows the plans and the PEOPLE He has in store for you. There are a lot of folks who have done me wrong, but tonight I was reminded of how precious life is, and how blessed and fortunate I am to have the life I live. I don't have time to keep a record of the wrongdoings others have done to me. I'm writing off those hurts, moving forward with my life, and I truly hope this inspires you to do the same. I was spreading so much love in that room tonight, John Travolta probably felt it on stage, and YOU probably even felt it at home. People have a tendency to remember the things they should forget, but forgiveness is one of the most important parts of love, so just forgive and forget. It's all about the love! See you tomorrow for more of the Love Challenge! Early this morning I had an "angry" moment when my husband did not have Mr. President #1 and Mr. President #2 dressed and ready to go at a certain time. My daily routine is to have the clothes and shoes prepared for dad the night prior, and in the morning he can ideally get the boys up and dressed in no time. But why did I get so frustrated when he was running a little behind this morning? Because I neglected to remember that LOVE IS NOT EASILY ANGERED!
It's day eight of the Love Challenge, and today we are reminded that love is not easily angered. In the moment, we often get frustrated or irritated, even angry when someone doesn't do something as expected. Whether it's our children, spouses, co-workers, or friends, we find it so easy to get upset with them when we sometimes need to take a moment to think it all through and respond positively and appropriately. If I had considered the fact that my husband was running behind this morning because I had him running errands late last night, which caused him to get in bed much later than usual, I would have been a little more mild-mannered and willing to pitch in when I walked in the room and saw the boys still in pajamas. It might feel good to have a brief outburst of anger in the moment, but it might later cause a negative rippling effect you never anticipated. I know people can often get under your skin, but try to respond in love instead of reacting in anger. Love is not easily angered, so don't let that negative spirit get the best of you. Check in tomorrow for day nine of the Love Challenge! It's day seven of the Love Challenge, and LOVE DOESN'T DEMAND!
You can't always get your own way. Those who know true love seek to find common ground, harmony, and peace. Love doesn't demand it's own way, which is exactly why relentlessly wanting "your way" time and time again will lead to arguments, tension, and unhealthy relationships. COMPROMISE. COMPROMISE. COMPROMISE. My two little Presidents CONSTANTLY want their own way. "I want this...I wanna do it...I don't want to eat that..." And the list goes on. At this point, my boys know that in MY house, they will follow MY rules, but every now and then, I let them have their own way just to prove to them that their way was not the best way. We lean from our lived experiences, right? Learn to have some humility like we discussed during the challenge last week. Humble yourself and look for appropriate common-ground sometimes. Besides, OUR way isn't always the RIGHT way anyhow. Live isn't self seeking; IT'S NOT ALWAYS ABOUT YOU! Practice makes perfect. Work on it now so you can perfect it over time. I'm with you all the way!!! More for day eight of the challenge tomorrow!!! LOVE HONORS OTHERS!!!
And what better way to spend this "day of love," than attending the vowel renewal ceremony of two of the most beautiful people I've ever known, my cousin Kia and her husband Sekou. These two individuals are a TRUE testament to the fact that love is not about what you get, but what you give; actions speak louder than words. Sekou would move mountains for the love of his life, and I am just honored to witness such a rich, pure, and contagious union, overflowing with love and happiness. Before this day ends, take the rest of the evening to make some deposits into the "love banks" of the people around you. Just like we need to make regular deposits in our bank accounts to keep them growing, we need to make regular deposits in our "love banks" to spread the love and keep ourselves and others lifted. Communication is non-verbal more often than not. Remember that actions speak louder than words, and close out the day by spreading some love and proving that it truly honors others. See you tomorrow for day seven! |