I mean...come on!!! Every public library has great programs and resources for folks young and old. And furthermore...IT'S FREE!!!
Some parents need to do a better job of teaching their children that LEADERS ARE READERS! Yes, I said it. Research proves that libraries (and reading in general) instill a love for books in children. Not only that, but frequent reading contributes to a richer vocabulary, which ultimately equals...are you ready for it...ADVANTAGE!!! Do your kiddos a favor, and read to them and expose them to books NOW!! But enough of that! Libraries provide more resources and programs than just reading, and I'm all for taking advantage of it all!!! Our local library offers Lego time on Fridays after school, so we decided to join in on the fun yesterday. We built cars, cars, cars, and MORE! I even jumped in and built my own little Lego car! We had a great time, made new friends, and learn a little about the wheel and axle. In short, don't be a crazy person; take your kids to the library. I won't be judging anyone for the rest of Lent, so I'll just feel sorry for you instead. Remember that Leaders are Readers!
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