I would begin by saying that some of you parents need to teach your kids some respect, but I have come to the realization that some of you parents seriously lack in that area yourselves! I have recently encountered some of the most disrespectful children I have ever seen in my life, and I am convinced that this younger generation has no idea what respect is. I truly believe that respect and other important life lessons should be taught at home. When I was a child, I was not allowed to call an adult by his or her first name (unless I wanted to get "popped" by one of my parents). I was not permitted to interrupt a conversation when adults were talking, nor was I allowed to say excuse me unless it was extremely important; I had to wait until the conversation ended. I answered my parents by saying yes ma'am, no ma'am, yes sir, no sir, and I did exactly what I was told to do. Kids these days...they talk to their parents, teachers, elders, and other adults they see in public any kind of way, and I think it's ridiculous. I teach my children to have respect and to USE the manners they have learned. Please and thank you are everyday words in my house, and nothing will be given without saying please first. At the memorial service we attended this past weekend, we were instructed to stand and hold our right hands over our hearts as TAPS played during the military honors. I immediately stood, sat Mr. President #2 in the seat next to me, placed my right hand over my heart, and turned around to glimpse at Mr. President #1 to make sure he was following instructions -- He did as he was told. By the time I turned back around to face the front of the room, Mr. President #2 had climbed out of his seat, stood on his feet, and because he didn't know his right hand from his left, he placed both hands over his heart. He stood like a statue for the entire military honors. Seeing my son, only two years old, standing in such a mature position as a sign of respect almost moved me to tears. I looked around the room, saw my husband snap a picture of him, saw other little ones rolling around on the floor, but there was one other thing I noticed ...some of the adults were not standing with their right hand over their hearts as we were instructed. I have to admit, I was a little surprised by that. What I do want to bring to your attention is the fact that my two-year-old son has more respect than some of you adults, and that is a crying shame. I am not sharing this with you to make myself look good, or tell you that my kids are complete angels; we both know that would be a lie. What I do want to bring to your attention is the fact that my two-year-old son has more respect than some of you adults, and that is a crying shame. Kids learn many of their behaviors from watching their parents and other adults, and if we don't set a decent example for them, it's no wonder they'll end up acting like some of those disrespectful kids I mentioned earlier. Please do not take this as an insult, but rather, use this as a reminder to always be on alert because your kids are watching! We complain about adults and some of their behaviors as grown people [some politicians come to mind], but remember that they too were once children and leaned their behaviors from someone else. If Mr. President #2 can show such a deep level of respect at such a ripe young age, so can you! Okay, I'm done...
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