Well, the new year is finally here! What exactly does that mean? That means it's time to set those new year's resolutions we can never keep, right?! Who's up for trying something a little different in 2017--like making some realistic resolutions so we don't set ourselves up for failure? Well just hold on a minute! I know what you're thinking! No...I am not reducing my opportunities or selling myself short; I'm just being practical about things for once. I know I'm not going to become the next Victoria's Secret model in 2017, or really give up chocolate, so I'm committed to setting some attainable goals in this new year that will really benefit me. Trust me...if you really put some thought into this process, your new goals will be so awesome, you'll be determined to reach them.
Here are my seven resolutions that I think will benefit all of us working mommas: 1. Wrap Up Your Work Day. I know we don't live in France, but I try my best to not check email in the evening. Shed all the stress and worries of the day and use your evenings to focus on family. Besides, I'm sure the computer and smart phone had your attention all day long -- why not let your little ones have a turn? I know this isn't always possible, but I'm making a commitment to put a cap on the work day and spend some time actually raising my children. 2. JUST SAY NO! Working mothers are the ones who always want to be the overachievers. Like seriously? Why? When you're so caught up in keeping your kids and rest of your life on the straight and narrow, you overdo everthing at work to prove you can handle it all. Well stop trying to prove "you can do it" to everyone. Sometimes you just have to accept that fact that you CANNOT DO IT ALL! And guess what? You're human -- there's nothing wrong with that. In 2016, I walked around overwhelmed everyday. Between trying to be the top mom [volunteering for every committee at my son's school], my actual job, sports, and the mom's club, all at once, it was only a matter of time before something fell by the wayside. Let this be your season to say, "no thank you," and let someone else have their time to shine. 3. Rise Up Before Everyone Else. Have you ever heard the expression the Early Bird Gets the Worm? Well, if you haven't, you're really missing out. If you're the one who makes all of the magic happen, getting up before the rest of the house will allow you to get yourself together before you spend time getting everyone else ready. We all need a moment to "woosah" before the chaos happens, so do yourselves a favor, and try waking up 30 minutes before the rest of your crew. You can thank me later! 4. Remember You're a Wife Too! With the hustle and bustle of getting the kiddos to school, basketball, swimming, and futsal; working; being the cleaning lady; and all of that extracurricular stuff we do, I often forget to make time for my husband too! That's right! I'm making my husband a promise to not give all of my time to Mr. President #1 and Mr. President #2, but to make sure I spend some of that "me" time with my awesome, fantastic, incredible, one-of-a-kind, super-duper, amazing husband! It's only a win-win, right?! Giving the kiddos an example of a healthy and loving marriage can only be beneficial for them in the long run. And, of course, hubby and I benefit too! 5. Practice a Little Patience. We already talked about saying "no" to some things and avoiding that feeling of being constantly overwhelmed, but what about our patience? When I'm stressed and busy throughout the day, by the time supper comes around, I'm already at my wits' end most of the time, and I'm giving out empty threats left and right: "You'll never eat dinner again," or "You won't be playing basketball this season at all," [after I already paid the registration fee -- yea right], so I'm committed to practicing more patience. No one likes a grumpy momma! 6. Outsource, Outsource, Outsource! My mentor used to say to me, "I get so many things accomplished because I delegate!" I didn't entirely gather what she meant by that until I realized I couldn't do everything on my own. Even if it's not work-related, sometimes you need an extra hand to help you get some tasks completed. Hire someone to help you do the housekeeping if it's in your budget, purchase some necessities online to save you time in the car, or have your super, fantastic husband do bath time or one of the bagillion tasks he can handle on his own to free up some of your time. When you get some of those tasks knocked off of the list, you can use some of that freed up space to focus on the people and things who really need your attention. 7. Have a Mom's Night Out (Or In). I'm a huge advocate for making time for yourself, so in 2017, it's "me" time for Mom! Try to set aside at least one hour once a month to do something for you. Whether it's a girl's night out, date night, or just a potty break BY YOUR LONESOME (I know you know the struggle, lol), get some time in to relax, recharge and refresh! And no! This hour cannot include getting work done -- that just doesn't count, my friends! (smile) Here we go, guys! Let's get those resolutions on paper, and let's get it done. If you make resolutions that will truly benefit you, trust me...you'll want to stick to them. No more making resolutions that are impossible to keep. It's a new year, and another opportunity to make life a little easier.
Felecia Smith
1/6/2017 02:47:04 pm
This was a great read! Practice many of these if not all. I wish had this wisdom when I was raising my kids. I am so proud of you!
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