This past weekend, Mr. President #1 and Mr. President #2 had their very first experience away from my husband and I for our long-awaited weekend getaway. At first, the Presidents were a little nervous about being away from mommy and daddy, but when they heard the words TOYS, CHOCOLATE FACTORY, TRAMPOLINE PARK, and COOKIES, they were ready to start packing their bags!
Although my husband and I had our weekend getaway planned months in advance, it never would have happened without my Team. Who/what is this Team I keep talking about? Yammy, my mother; Poppy, my father; and Auntie F, my awesome little sister. These three people are a HUGE part of my Team. I live hours and hours away from these members of my Team, but we always find a way to make it work. The day we met up with Poppy to drop off the Presidents, he made the long, dreadful, three-hour drive to meet me halfway. He was in good company with another awesome member of my Team, but instead of sleeping in and enjoying retirement bliss, he decided to go the extra mile for me...LITERALLY! This just speaks volumes to the amazing type of people I have on my team. What exactly is a Team? Webster defines a team as: a group of people who compete in a sport, game, etc., against another group; a group of people who work together; or a group of two or more animals used to pull a wagon, cart, etc. Well I prefer to define a team as the group of dedicated, compassionate, incredible individuals who are there to support you and have your back no matter the circumstances. But here's the have to do the same for your team. We are more than just a group of people who work together; we build up an truly inspire one another. Why do I need a Team? I'm sure you've heard the expression, "It takes a village to raise a child," and this has definitely proven to be true for me. As a mother, I admittedly feel overwhelmed sometimes. I'm trying to do this, trying to do that, work, be a homemaker, be involved with elementary school, etc., etc. At the end of the day, we can't do it all, and although most of us think mom = superwoman, the reality is, we need help too, and THAT IS OKAY! What can I benefit from having a Team? Believe it or not, my Team is what keeps me sane and in check! If you constantly stay busy trying to do it all, eventually you will be burned the heck out. Let your team do some of the work for you! In my case, Yammy and Poppy are the grandparents who don't get to see the kids as often as we would like (other than our nightly FaceTime sessions), so it's a win-win! When opportunity presents itself, take advantage of it. How do I build up my own Team? When you're ready to build up your team, it's very important that you choose family and friends who WANT to be there for you. Not everyone is there to support you; some people are on stand-by just to bring you down. Use your judgment. Don't procrastinate either! Have your team ready before d-day! Lastly, but certainly not least, your Team should consist of the most genuine, compassionate, caring and reliable people you know! My team keeps my head above water, and I could not ask for more. There's only one catch to having a successful Team; you have to treat others as you would have them do unto you. No one is going to want to be on your team if you're ugly inside! Come on now! Be good to others, and they'll do the same for you. To ALL of the members of my Team (especially you three), and with every piece of me...THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!
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